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Image by Marc Newberry

Prior To Lash Extensions

1. no eye makeup or an up-charge will apply


2. no previous lash extensions or $25 removal charge


3. no glue from falsie lashes or an up-charge will apply





Below are some helpful tips for the best results BEFORE your facial services! 

Preparing Your Skin For Dermaplaning

1. No tanning, shaving, peels, waxing, or aggressive exfoliations one week prior to this treatment


2. If you are experiencing any acne or cold sore flare ups please wait until after the healing phase to receive this treatment


3. Please let me know if you are on any medications (topical and/or oral), have any medical conditions, or are being treated by a physician for any skin conditions


4. Please wait 10 days after receiving Botox or Dermal Fillers to receive this treatment

Image by Bundo Kim
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